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Speed: Need To Know

Amphetamines (uppers, blues, base, whiz, jollies) are stimulant drugs made from chemicals. They come in white, pink or greyish powder form as well as in brightly coloured tablets and can be snorted, swallowed, injected, smoked or drunk.

The most popular type is Speed – usually dabbed on the gums, swallowed or snorted and made from only about 5% of the pure drug mixed with other powders like talcum powder or toilet cleaner. Regular users build up a tolerance and need increasingly higher doses for the same high, often experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as being tired, anxious, depressed and angry when they stop using speed.

It takes more than an hour for the effects to be felt (quicker if injected or smoked) and lasts for several hours before the depressing two-day comedown. Users feel an energy or adrenaline rush that makes them alert, excited, confident and energetic enough to dance all night – making it impossible to sit still or sleep.

Speed increases your heart rate and blood pressure, increases body temperature, dilates your pupils and dehydrates you. High doses cause hallucinations, panic attacks, headaches, dizziness, irregular breathing, shaking, paranoia, heart palpitations, anxiety and delusions. Regular use can damage your immune system, lead to mental illnesses (including serious problems like hearing voices and believing others are trying to kill you) and increases your chances of having a fatal overdose, especially if you mix it with other drugs, anti-depressants or alcohol.

It also places huge strain on the heart, increasing your risk of having a heart attack. Like other drugs, too much injecting can cause broken veins, ulcers, blood clots and gangrene, and increases your hepatitis and HIV risk.

Fatal overdoses and heart attacks can happen even to people who take small doses.

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User Comments:
From divnt nah
Nah speed is wicked man. I take it every day and I don't get none of that stuff you said above. It doesn't happen like that.

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