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Win! Flow Yoga DVDs

No yoga enthusiast should miss internationally renowned Shiva Rea’s innovative new DVD release, Fluid Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga. We have five DVDs to give away.

Fluid Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga uses a completely original style of yoga that incorporates rhythmic, circular and spiralling movements to enhance vitality, agility and creativity while building strength and flexibility. It's an innovative way to practice yoga for a complete transformation of mind and body.

Shiva Rea is a super-yogi, a leader in the field of prana vinyasa flow yoga who has been teaching for over 10 years and has come to be known as the Madonna of yoga. Her new release from Acacia features two discs and will be available from 11 June 2007.

The unique “Yoga matrix” menu allows users to choose one of six pre-set practices – from beginners to advanced, meditative to energetic. Sequences include four innovative sun salutations, water “core,” standing pose mandala, fluid backbends, handstand, forward bends, pranayama, meditations and deep relaxation.

Special features: 20 guided sequences, six pre-set practices, Yoga Matrix Menu, Alignment details, Fluid techniques, Mini-documentary.

We're giving away five copies. All you have to do to win is tell us what type of exercise gets you going – are you a kickboxing junkie or do you prefer ballroom dancing? We want to hear from you!

To enter the competition, simply submit your answer using the Comment on this Article box below. Be sure to include your full postal address too.

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User Comments:
From paul trembath
tae kwon do

From Sarah Plusnin
Lots of Sex!

From Sharron Brazier
Playing in the park with my kids!

From claire woods

From Julie Kenny
I love Aqua Aerobics. I love the weightlessness the water gives, and the fact that the water keeps me cool and refreshed while I exercise. At my class we have funky music and it's all girls together so we have a good laugh and don`t even realise that we are getting fit whilst having fun.

From Yasuhiro Shimanuki

From Margaret Adamson
Long country walks

From tracy forrest
I like walking.

ballroom dancing!

From Lisa
I love swimming, it's a lot of fun and can be as gentle or as vigorous as you like.

From rebecca holley
I do belly dancing classes.

From margaret payne

From Alan Kerr
I can't do much exercise as I suffer from M.E but I would love to do yoga as I've heard it can really help with the illness and my Mum has done it all her life. Before I got ill I used to love cycling as much as a 100 miles in a day!

From joanne hamling
Dancing with my one and a half year old daughter is my favourite type of exercise!

From Gill Corbitt
I love pilates!

From Sarah Laycock
I just love spinning - all that pedalling gives me a real buzz as well as burning off bucketfuls of calories

From Adrian Bold
Weight lifting. I find it to be an extremely good way to lift my spirits, and the buzz afterwards is fantastic.

From jenny langley
I love my rowing machine, it makes me feel like I've had a good all over workout (plus I can watch Corrie whilst exercising!) I did a yoga course pre children and it was wonderful so I'd love to get back into it now.

From lisa goodship
Kickboxing junkie!

From ruth steel
Yoga stimulates the mind and the body.

I love step aerobics, it's great fun and gives a good workout!

From Nichola Latto
I like using my Cross Trainer at home!

From Rebecca Saunders

From Kelly Garrett
Clubbing.. hardcore dancing!

From Gareth Earls

From Natalie Blyth
I love to dance - it's the best exercise and it's enjoyable!

From Nicola Hunter
For me it's a toss up between yoga and karate.

From Ramona Daniel
I love running - it's like meditating while pounding the pavement.

From Angela Ashton
Since I am a large person with asthma I do not get much exercise but I find Yoga is one of the few I am able to do. Yoga keeps me flexible and helps me to relax. I am 42 and as I said big but I can still easily touch my toes, somthing my thinner and fitter partner cannot!

From Sue McCulloch
My new gym ball with dvd instructions!

From Nicola Rodwell
I love ceroc dancing - it creates a great social network and you end up dancing for nearly 4 hours a night!

From Jackie Kelly
My favourite exercise is a brisk walk in the country and by the sea - especially on a fine day when I can kick my shoes off and paddle home. Lots of sun and fresh air - who could ask for more!

From Esther Collins
Yoga all the way. Plus walking and swimming for more general fitness.

From joanne hover
disco dancing!!

From Yvonne Jarman

From Hazel Hill
I find exercise a bit boring -- we did have a boxercise class which was fun - but the best machine is the cross trainer & I try to use this 3 times a week for 30 mins

From Beryl Doreen HENRY
Having fun and games with my grandchildren and my little greatgrandchild.

From Frances Light
A run in the countryside or, failing that, a Body Kombat class (great for dispelling accumulated stress!)

From Jane Green
I really enjoy power walking - 14 miles today and the blisters to prove it!

From Jane Schofield

From Alistair Richardson
Tai Chi for flexibility with an aerobic workout daily.

From Susan Barber
The best class combines a mix of yoga, pilates and tai chi!!

From Anthony Martin
Badminton - it increases stamina, does stretching, flexibility and weight loss.

From tammy tollefsen
Cycling outdoors in the fresh air, not stuck in traffic!

From danny white
Love running along the country lanes.

From Lesley Davis

From irene cox

From clare Gleave
Yoga, because it increases flexibility, tones muscles and relieves stress.

From Maria hindmarch
Rapid walking in beautiful surroundings or lake swimming.

From Mandi Kemp
No-one's said it yet, so I will...Bedroom Gymnastics have to be the most fun by far!x x x

From vicky brown
Swimming (with hardly anyone else in the pool preferably!!!)

From Emily Owen
Yoga...mainly because it's a great workout but doesn't feel too strenuous!

From laura annsforde
I think walking is the best exercise. It's easy to do and you can do it alone or with family or friends. Plus, you can take your dog, your ipod or whatever you wish!

From Jenny
I love swimming, it's so much more enjoyable than getting all hot and sweaty in the gym.

From anna marsh
I get bored easily so I like to try something different every week - I drag my friends to everything from belly dancing to funk classes. It seems to work though, it's good to keep your muscles guessing!

From Mike B
I always head to the gym with a mate to see who can benchpress the most weight. Nothing like a bit of healthy competition to make you work harder.

From kisunssi
Lifting pints at the bar...

From Debbie G
I love doing salsa as it gets my heart rate up and it's great fun to do.

From Rose Hudson
My favourite exercise is running!

Walking the dog

From Elizabeth Smith

From Irene Maier
I go to the gym 3 times a week and walk the dog each day for 2 hours!

From Nathifa Napata
I've tried yoga and love stretching first thing in the morning, it helps me to get ready for the day ahead.

From helen smith

From Angela Stallard
My exercising is walking the dog, a 6.5 stone poodle. Trying to keep up with him is enough to get anyone going!!

From Dawn Thornton
I used to do Aerobics but now enjoy stretching and basic yoga exercises.

From Michael Dunai
regular gym

From Alison Turner
I enjoy spinning and going to the gym but want to get more into yoga.

From Jenny Jackson
Dancing & Juggling.

From rebecca austerberrry
I am a rock chick and the dancing that gets me going is the loud heavy metel 'head-banging" (for want of a better word!). It's exercise and stress relief at the same time.

From Claire Dalladay
I play rugby, it's a great stress buster.

From catherine geraghty
My favourite type of exercise is running round the park with my little boy who is 2 and has lots of energy!

From Madaline Day
Yoga and Callanetics

From sommer falconer
So many exercises get me thriving, i love it! Exercises that get my heart rate out of control, in particular are martial arts boxing, circuit training, yoga, pilates, pump classes, running, wow!

From linda houston
CURVES! It's a new gym that opened near my hometown, designed especially for women. Only 30 minute to complete, three times a week..and I'm loving it!

From Janine Groom
Swimming gets me going and I love walking / jogging by the river on a warm summer evening!

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