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Joined: 10/19/2006 Posts: 46 Points: 138
So, from April 2007 we will not be able to smoke in public. Who is in favour, who is against the ban. I thought this article on the site was very good for stirring the debate: http://www.keepthedoctoraway.co.uk/showArticle.aspx?loadID=00129
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Joined: 10/19/2006 Posts: 46 Points: 138
I came to this site for advice about giving up smoking and I'm disappointed that people seem to be trying to use the site to promote their smoking cause. I don't enjoy smoking. I know I am hooked on an addictive drug and I want to stop.Whatever these people say, I know smoking is bad for me. I've seen friends die in their 50s from lung cancer and I don't want that to happen to me. There must be loads of places that these people can go to promote their cause, why do they have to use this one?
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Joined: 10/19/2006 Posts: 46 Points: 138
I've been trying to give up too mate - I've managed 5 weeks without a fag but keep having the odd one. It's progress and can't complain as I don't feel like death in the morning anymore. I think your best bet is to make sure you go out with people who hate smoking, you always feel like a right numpty if you're smoking as people grimace!!!
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Joined: 10/19/2006 Posts: 46 Points: 138
I used to smoke until about four years ago, when I realised that I was unbelievably unfit as a result of smoking. I found cutting down in the day - while at work and home - pretty easy, once I resisted that first fag in the morning. However, when I used to go out for a drink the craving for a cigarette was terrible. For about 2 years I became a 'social smoker' before finally managing to kick the habit completely - although I do have a cigar at Christmas!!
For this reason I think the smoking ban in pubs and clubs will help those who want to smoke, but feel unable to have a social life if they stop. Good luck to everyone is hoping to ditch the smokes! Take it a step-at-a-time and you will succeed. Bill.
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Joined: 10/19/2006 Posts: 46 Points: 138
Here are some extra stats from HM Revenue and Customs about smoking - quite interesting really:
* up to 19% of cigarettes smoked in the UK are illicit - either smuggled or counterfeit, often both; * if you buy cheap cigarettes chances are you will be ripped off as they will be fake - in 2005/06, 51% of all major seizures were counterfeit. * tests have shown that counterfeit cigarettes may contain higher concentrations of harmful substances than their genuine counterparts including:
- Three times more arsenic - Five times more cadmium - 5.8 times more lead - 160% more tar - 80% more nicotine - 133% more carbon monoxide