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Aloe Vera: Your Healthy Travelling Companion

Holidays are traditionally the time for letting go and having a good time – but all that over-indulgence can come at a heavy price – your health, says Han van de Braak.

Excessive sun, rich food, dehydration and alcohol can often result in illnesses – which ruin that much-anticipated break.

Diarrhoea and stomach upsets are particularly common when travelling abroad: in fact, evidence suggests that 50% of holidaymakers have at least one attack during a fortnight’s holiday abroad. However, there is a natural remedy which can prevent or minimise the effects of these ailments: aloe vera.

When taken in concentrated capsule form, this herb has been proven to be highly effective in treating common holiday complaints.

Ease your stomach – naturally

Extract of aloe vera is currently used in many products designed to ease digestive and bowel problems, having natural anti-inflammatory properties which accelerate healing rates. At its most effective if taken a week prior to travel, the right aloe vera supplement not only helps to prevent diarrhoea, but can also ease the discomfort of stomach problems caused by rich food or poor quality water.

That morning-after feeling

Those who increase their alcohol intake during a holiday may be familiar with that unwelcome ‘morning after’ feeling. An excess of alcohol, combined with heat, dehydration and an unfamiliar diet are the perfect ingredients for an upset stomach. Aloe vera placates the stomach lining, and is a gentle and natural way to settle that horrible queasy feeling.

Soothing sunburn

Well travelled holiday makers may know that in the Caribbean, freshly cut aloe vera is rubbed onto affected parts to soothe the pain of sunburn. For those travelling closer to home, taking aloe vera capsules before and during your trip helps to protect the skin from an abruptly intensified exposure to the sun. Nevertheless, caution and moderation should still be urged when sunbathing: whilst aloe can help to prevent and soothe sunburn, over exposure will inevitably result in discomfort.

So, when packing for your next holiday abroad, make sure to find room in your suitcase for some aloe vera capsules. Ensure that the supplement you have chosen is a concentrated one though, produced under licence.


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