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Silent Killer Threatens Millions of Brits

Undiagnosed high blood pressure in the UK is leaving millions of Brits at risk of suffering a stroke.

A new report from the Stroke Association reveals that 23.8 per cent of Brits are living with undiagnosed high blood pressure. Regionally, however, the picture is quite varied, with some areas particularly susceptible to this silent killer.

In the south-west, for instance, nearly 30 per cent of all adults have an undiagnosed case of high blood pressure, which compares to just 17.8 per cent in the north-east.

High blood pressure is also a major issue in East Anglia, where 26.2 per cent of people have an undiagnosed problem, and in the Home Counties where 26.1 per cent are at risk. In Wales, the West Midlands and the East Midlands, fewer than 20 per cent are in this dangerous predicament.

Joe Korner, director of communications at the Stroke Association, said: "There is no doubt that blood pressure testing really can save lives. Every five minutes someone in the UK has a stroke – that's 150,000 every year. But over 40 per cent of those strokes could be prevented by the control of high blood pressure.

"High blood pressure can be reduced through medication and controlled by changes in diet and lifestyle. Take action, get tested and change your lifestyle - you may prevent a stroke."

There are numerous simple ways to control blood pressure, many of which are associated with diet. Limiting salt intake to less than six grams each day is particularly important, as is avoiding the temptation to smoke.

Eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day can also reduce the risk, especially when combined with a reduction in fat intake. Drinking alcohol in moderation is similarly important and people should also try to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day.

Weight also contributes massively to the risk of having a stroke and the Stroke Association is urging Brits to keep an eye on this issue. The obesity problem in the UK is spiralling out of control and it is only adding to the number of stroke victims each year.

Around 16 million people in the UK have high blood pressure and many more are unaware that they have this condition. Reducing stress levels is also important when combating this issue - something which has become increasingly difficult in today's fast-moving world.

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