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Understanding Ayurvedic Medicine
An expert introduction to Ayurvedic, one of the oldest traditional systems of health and disease management on the planet.
In this article:
  • An holistic approach towards life, health and disease.
  • Ayurveda techniques: Herbs, minerals & more.
  • An expert guide from Dr Vikrama Aditya.

Ayurvedic practitioner Dr Vikrama Aditya offers an expert introduction to the holistic approach to medicine- Ayurvedic.

The history of ayurveda goes back thousands of years. The primary goal of ayurveda has been twofold - promotion of health and managing disease.

Let us explore the most important features of this great system of health, lifestyle and medicine, Ayurvedic medicine.

One of the most beautiful features of ayurvedic treatment or ayurveda is that it is not merely a therapy or system of medicine. Ayurveda is essentially a holistic approach toward life, health and disease management. Ayurvedic approach includes the judicious use of medicinal herbs, minerals, diet, lifestyle, spirituality and yoga.

Ayurveda has been the pioneer for maintaining the holistic approach in Medicine. Ayurvedic principles are in the foundational role for this holistic approach in Medicine.

Ayurvedic treatment is based on a personalised regimen for every individual. God and nature created each one of us in a unique way and Medicine should regard our individuality. Ayurveda stands for our individuality in theory and in practice.

The personalised approach of Ayurvedic medicine is manifested in several conditions - when we consider the conditions of ayurveda doshas or humors and select the ayurveda body types, when we choose herbs, when we consider age and time of treatment, when we consider the geographic location of the person, when we advise on food and lifestyle, when we evaluate individual physical and mental tolerance and during practically dozens of other situations.

Some medical authorities attribute the emergence of Social and Preventive Medicine totally to Modern Medicine. Ayurveda right from its inception upheld two basic purposes - enhancement of health and prevention of disease. There are guideposts regarding diet, daily regimen, hygiene, immunity boosting and rejuvenation.

Ayurveda considers the appropriate treatment to that management which relieves the disease and doesn't cause any other disease as a result of treatment. This is brought about through balancing the qualities and synergistic planning and formulation of medicinal herbs. However, getting side effects free treatment is the toughest objective for any system of therapy.

Rejuvenative treatment is given so much importance in Ayurveda that out of eight branches in ancient Ayurveda, one was fully devoted to rejuvenation, anti-ageing, promotion of health and geriatric health.

Ayurveda considers each individual as a physical, social, mental and spiritual being. For social integrity, ayurveda supports both moral and spiritual principles and teaches that they are essential for the health of society.

Ayurvedic panchakarma therapy is meant chiefly for purification of the body. Panchakarma helps to detox our body thoroughly. The effect of proper diet and herbal supplements increases substantially after purification therapy.

Ayurvedic herbs are the chief therapeutic agent in Ayurveda. Natural medicinal herbs are great healing agents with very little or no side effects. Most of the uses of Ayurvedic herbs are being validated by modern herbal research. Some of the toxic and poisonous herbs are used after their purification when they are free of their harmful effects.

Several minerals and animal products are also used in India in Ayurvedic treatment. These minerals and animal derivatives are purified and undergo special calcination processes. Calcination procedures increase their bioavailability and free them from harmful effects. The use of ayurvedic calcined minerals is not popular outside the Indian subcontinent.

The world as a whole is underway to understand and use these preparations as the latest clinical research, toxicity reports and nanotechnology trials are affirming their safety and efficacy.

Ayurvedic treatment includes diet, exercise and lifestyle as an integral part of treatment. So there is plenty of advice on what to eat, what to avoid and about lifestyle and exercise.

Health is the dynamic balance of body parts and their functioning. And it should be the goal of every individual to be responsible for one’s health because health is the foundation to all kinds of pursuits in our lives.

Ayurvedic medicine helps individuals and society to lead a healthier and happier life. Start living a healthier and happier life.

Dr Vikrama Aditya is a holistic ayurveda practitioner and freelance writer. He provides holistic consultation globally through his website is not responsible for the content of external websites

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