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Healthy Weightloss: Five Healthy Habits
Healthy weightloss through diet and regular exercise is crucial in losing weight. Follow these weightloss tips.

Rachael Hannan explains the five key habits we all need to learn for healthy, long term weightloss.

You could ’diet’ but it is better to permanently change your eating habits because that will have a beneficial effect on your long-term health and lead to effortless and permanent weight loss. Adopt these 5 habits and see the difference!

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Healthy Weightloss Habit No. 1: Never Skip Meals

Always eat at least three meals a day. Why? Because you want to keep your metabolism active so it doesn’t lay down fat reserves.

Throughout human evolution, we’ve had to survive harsh winters and famines, so as a species humans are genetically programmed to lay down fat reserves if food is not readily available. Skipping meals tricks the body into thinking there is a shortage of food and in response the metabolism slows down, preventing weight loss and laying down fat reserves. Always eat little and often rather than not at all.

There have been many scientific studies which show that those who eat breakfast keep weight off for longer and lose weight quicker than those who do not. This is because eating something within half an hour of waking, kick starts your metabolism so it’s active as soon as you are. If you skip breakfast, the metabolism won’t work at it’s optimum level until lunch time, by which point you have already lost 3-4 hours of prime calorie burning time.

The worst breakfast choices are sugary, salt-laden breakfast cereals. If you like cereals, eat Shreddies, Shredded Wheat or muesli that states it has no added sugar or salt on the packet, and are naturally rich in wholegrain - essential for a healthy heart. Other good choices include probiotic natural yogurt with fruit; poached eggs and baked beans; or a vegetable omelette without cheese. If you hate breakfast at least eat a piece of fruit to kick start your metabolism.

Healthy Weightloss Habit No. 2: Safe Snacking & Cooking

Safe snacking is essential to any weight loss plan because you never want to feel hungry or deprived. Instead of snaking on crisps, chocolate or low-fat biscuits, snack on fresh fruit or a handful of nuts. Although high in fat, nuts contain a natural ’good fat’ that is instantly satisfying but only eat a small handful at a time otherwise even the good fat will start sitting around your waist!

That said, the nuts should be the unsalted kind from the health shop, not those greasy pub-style peanuts.

As for cooking, get into the habit of steaming or grilling food instead of frying it, so no additional fat is added whilst cooking. Steamers are great, quick and convenient, but if you do not have one, use the oven instead. Wrap a piece of chicken or fish in a tin foil parcel with herbs, a sliced onion and a dash of white wine or water. Bake in a medium oven for 30 minutes and then serve.

Healthy Weightloss Habit No 3: Slow Down

Always eat slowly and watch portion sizes. We all have a tendency to wolf down our food and finish everything on our plate, even though we are already satisfied. It takes 20 minutes from the first bite for the food to reach your stomach and send messages to the brain that you are full so chew every bite thoroughly and bear this in mind when snacking.

Healthy Weightloss Habit No. 4: Drink Choices

Drink at least 8 half pint glasses of water a day, and if you can an additional glass before every meal to help you feel full. The majority of us don’t drink nearly enough water, often mistaking dehydration for hunger, so drink as much water as possible. Try to limit your caffeine intake and avoid fizzy drinks because they contain chemicals which interfere with the metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. If you enjoy a cuppa, drink green tea which naturally increases the metabolism and has been proven to help weight loss when drunk before every meal.

Remember that you shouldn’t feel deprived. If you enjoy a glass of wine with your meal or a pint of beer beforehand, then have it. Just don’t overindulge every day.

Healthy Weightloss Habit No. 5: Get Active

There’s no getting away from the fact that in order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume, and the quickest way to do that is to increase your activity levels.

This doesn’t mean you have to go down the gym twice a week. Instead, change your habits so you always take the stairs instead of the lift, go for a stroll in your lunch break and walk to the shop instead of driving. If you decide to exercise it is pointless choosing something you dislike so chose an activity you find enjoyable such as badminton, swimming, tennis, yoga or a dance class. Effortless exercise is always the best!

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From Cate
I would like to add the caveat that if you suffer from psychotic illness (eg voices - not to be confused with psychopathic although it often is, sadly!) be very careful with GREEN TEA. It definitely, definitely brings on voices, agitation and even worse insomnia in me, another schizophrenic contact has found that it triggers episodes also. This affects tens of thousands of people out there so I thought I'd warn em!


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