  Health & Diet Tips

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Diet & Fitness Tips: Lose Weight & Stay Motivated
Top diet and fitness tips to help you lose weight, get in shape and keep up with your weight loss and fitness regime.

How to lose weight, get in shape and stay on track from A-list body trainer to the stars David Kirsch.

Top Tips for Keeping on Track

Having trouble staying on track with your weight loss or fitness regime? There's no need to stay in cheat mode. For the top diet and fitness tips to help you achieve and maintain weight loss or peak fitness read on for top diet and fitness tips from A-list body trainer to the stars David Kirsch.

Fitness Tips: How to Stay Motivated- Who is David Kirsch?

David Kirsch is the founder and owner of Manhattan’s Madison Square Club. His clientele includes Heidi Klum, Faith Hill, Liv Tyler and Ellen Barkin. But can he help you? Follow his steps to stay on track.

Fast Detox: Get Fit & Lose Weight Tips

• For a fast and healthy detox to get rid of belly bloat and a thick waist, cut out all alcohol, bread, starchy carbs, dairy, sweeteners, fruit and trans fats. Drink up to two litres of water every day – and fizzy mineral water doesn’t count. Cut out salt, sugar, processed foods and caffeine. Drink green tea instead, which has great metabolism boosting qualities too.

Top Diet Tips: Eat Healthily Every Three Hours

• Eat healthily every three hours, and be prepared. Take your healthy snacks and food with you so you don’t fall for fast food on the go. Heidi Klum likes to boil a dozen eggs and then has them ready to eat (a couple at a time minus the yolks) as a mid morning or afternoon snack.

Diet and Fitness Tips: Schedule Workouts

• Busy people should schedule time for their workouts in their diary just like you would a meeting. When Ellen Barkin travels, she takes along her DVDs, medicine balls, light hand weights and supplements so she stays in great shape.

Lose Weight and Get in Shape: Cut out Alcohol

• Keep alcohol to a minimum and best to avoid anything with a cocktail umbrella! Always eat before you drink.

Top Diet Tips: Lose Weight and Party

• Surviving party food: Eat a light meal before you head to a party or have a protein shake. Don't start on the peanuts or pretzels as you'll only want more. Stay away from anything wrapped with a carb – opt for veggie crudités instead. If you're not hungry and you're not overdoing the drinking or eating salty things, you'll find it much easier to say no (and think how virtuous you will feel in the morning!)

Diet and Fitness Tips: Relaxation and Weight Loss

• Learn how to relax so that you can zip into a five minute relaxation technique to combat stress. Never underestimate the power of breathing deeply and properly, and its ability to calm and soothe your body, mind and spirit. Unchecked stress can cause weight gain, ‘middle body bloat’ and result in comfort eating and self sabotage.

Top Diet Tips: Learn to Enjoy Cooking

• Shop, prepare and chew your food! On your road to treating your body better, learn to enjoy shopping for the freshest food, preparing it and making time to eat it properly. Take time to eat regularly - never skip a meal as it sends your metabolism into a spin. If you eat slower, your body will have time to feel full during the meal – and it will save you from reaching for extra food immediately afterwards.

Instant Weight Loss: Correct Your Posture

• Stand tall. Good posture has an amazing effect on looking leaner and lighter. Tuck in those abs too.


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From Gemma
Stress can definitely cause bloating! I suffer from this regulary, just haven't found a way to combat it yet.

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