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Ban the Botox Bandits

In a recent survey, over 50% of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors’ 250 members have treated patients who have experienced complications at the hands of inexperienced practitioners. Don’t let it be you.

Neurologist Dr Marie-Helene Marion of St. George’s Hospital, London has worked with botox for both medical and cosmetic purposes for over 20 years. She says that tighter controls need to be implemented, with more stringent government regulation of doctors, clubs and spas offering botox treatments.

Marion believes that members of the public need to be aware of the risks associated with non-qualified botox practitioners. Here is her checklist for safe botox procedures:

1) The practice must be registered with the Health Care Commission – the registration number and logo will be on a certificate on display.

2) Only see a qualified doctor who has specialist training in areas like dermatology, plastic surgery and neurology, all of which guarantee a good knowledge of the facial muscles anatomy – essential for successful treatment. The doctor should also be well trained in botox therapies – sounds silly, but most people don’t actually check up on this.

3) You must be offered a full consultation with examination before injections begin; this also gives you opportunity to discuss your own expectations about the treatment. The doctor should take into account the full range of your facial expressions, and should fully explain possible side effects.

4) Ask about hygiene and safety procedures. Clean, disposable materials should always be used and Botox should be kept in the fridge.

5) Ask for specific details of your treatment (e.g. type of toxin, dosage and sites of injection). Ideally this should be given to you on a drawing.

6) Always make sure you see the same doctor for the consultation and the injection.

7) Make sure you are offered a follow-up visit to assess the outcome of the procedure and your overall satisfaction.

“If your botox practitioner takes issue with any of these questions or points, you should trust your instincts and walk away,” says Marion. “As a patient you have the right to expect professionalism and the best healthcare standards from those offering treatments.”

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