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Natural Energy Boosters

Worried the flu season, winter weather and dark nights may strike you energy levels by half? Read on to discover how to keep your energy levels on a high.

Chloe Addo examines five natural ways to stay on top form.


It seems obvious, but getting enough sleep is vital for our brains and bodies to function. Experts suggest we need 8 hours of beauty sleep per night, to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, only 3 percent of British professionals receive the right amount of sleep on a regular basis. Read more: Sleep deprivation Rife in the UK

A new study carried out by Harvard Medical School and the University of California, Berkeley have also gathered new evidence that a lack of sleep can also cause the emotional centres of the brain to dramatically overreact to negative experiences. This potentially means the lack of rest could make you more emotional in the day.


Q-10, a co-enzyme, is produced naturally in the body and acts as the body's energy producer. It is proven to increase energy levels and is vital for a healthy heart.

An American study in 2004 also found that Q-10 may help prevents migraine.
Unfortunately, the older you get and increased levels of stress can lower the levels of Q-10 produced by the body. However, Q-10 can be bought as a supplement.

To increase your energy levels, try taking 100mg of Q-10 daily.

Read more: Natural Alternatives To Boost Health


Regular exercise is a great way to improve your overall fitness and physique, but these are not the only benefits.

Exercises, like yoga, can help reduce stress, relax the mind and give you energy.

"Yoga works as much on the inside as it does on the outside” Says Barbra Currie, who has been practising yoga for over thirty years.

"Yoga affects your energy on a much deeper level and this leads to changes in your mind-set, not only your body.”

Yoga is a great all over workout and can help you lose weight, improve posture and enhance flexibility.  To read all the benefits of yoga, click here: Barbara Currie on Yoga for Life.

Drink More Water

Water in our bodies is in constant need of replenishing. Over 50 percent of the body is made up of water and can deplete when we sweat or pass urine.

The body depends heavily on water and it is vital to keep hydrated, otherwise your energy levels will suffer and concentrating will become increasingly difficult.You may also suffer from headaches and tiredness.

To prevent these side effects, you should aim to drink at least 1.2 litres of fluid a day. This is the equivalent of 6-8 glasses. Also remember to drink more when exercising and during hot weather.

Energy Foods

Eating a balance diet will do wonders for your energy levels. Experts advise you should consume five portions of fruit and vegetables everyday.

In particular, green vegetables like sprouts are an excellent food source of energy. Renowned nutritional guru, Gillian Mckeith also recommends greens as part of a healthy lifestyle.

She and others also suggest grains are also good to eat, as they release sugar slowly. This means energy is also released slowly and will keep your energy supply constantly topped up.

Read More:
Brits Miss Out On Their Five A Day
A Vegetarian Diet: The Benefits

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