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Fibre 'Helps Prevent' Breast Cancer

Women could reduce the risk of breast cancer by increasing the amount of fibre in their diets, according to the results of a study published today.

Researchers at the University of Leeds found that of the 16,000 pre-menopausal women studied, those who consumed 30 grams of fibre per day halved the risk of developing breast cancer compared to those eating less than 20 grams.

In addition, the fibre intake of 18,000 post-menopausal was also monitored. The effects of a high fibre diet were much more prevalent among the pre-menopausal women, as professor Janet Cade, who led the research explained.

"Our study found no protective effect in the older group, but significant evidence of a link in the pre-menopausal women.

"It goes along with the general healthy eating advice to make sure that you are getting plenty of fibre in your diet through breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, fruit and vegetables," she said.

The study was part funded by the World Cancer Research Fund, and Ed Yong from Cancer Research UK also praised the study, he said: "Until now, the evidence that fibre could reduce the risk of breast cancer has been inconsistent.

"It further highlights the importance of eating a healthy diet for reducing the risk of cancer," he added.

Breast cancer causes more than 12,400 deaths each year in the UK and accounts for 16 per cent of all reported cancer cases.

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