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Five Secrets For White Teeth

Yellow, stained teeth getting you down in the mouth? Try our top tips for a whiter, brighter smile – no expensive procedures necessary.

Be Colour Savvy

The colours you wear have a massive impact on how your teeth look. For example, a bright white shirt makes yellow teeth look even yellower. Try cream instead. It’s also a good idea to get a tan – real or fake. A bronzed face will make your teeth appear whiter. If you’re going to wear jewellery, silver is better than gold when it comes to faking pearly whites, and women who wear lipstick should stick to blue tones instead of orange ones. Go for a bold, glossy finish – pale frosted and matt shades make your teeth look dull.

Watch What You Eat

The pigments in certain foods can stain your teeth. If possible, steer clear of products like liquorice, ketchup, mustard and curry. If you do have them though, make sure you brush your teeth immediately afterwards to prevent staining. Luckily, it’s not all bad. Some foods are actually good for your teeth and prevent staining. Try raw fruits and vegetables like celery, apples, carrots, broccoli, oranges and strawberries as well as cheese to get rid of the plaque-causing bacteria.

Watch What You Drink

Dark drinks are notorious for staining and discolouring teeth. Culprits include beverages like tea, coffee, red wine, cola and blackcurrant. If you can’t give them up, try drinking white wine instead of red, and tea and coffee with milk instead of black. It’s also a good idea to have a drink of milk after meals to neutralise the acid food causes that can eat away at teeth.

Quit Smoking

The nicotine and tar content in cigarettes stain the surface of your teeth, making them yellow in even a short time. Heavy smokers sometimes have teeth that are almost brown after several years without kicking the habit. For steps to stop smoking, Click Here.

Brush Your Teeth!

It sounds ridiculously obvious, but food and drinks stain teeth yellow, so the best way to prevent this from happening is to brush your teeth after every meal. Yet half of people are failing on basic oral healthcare, according to the British Dental Health Foundation. If you can’t get to a toothbrush, chew sugarfree gum instead. Make sure your toothbrush isn’t worn out, and don’t forget to floss to prevent dark staining in between your teeth. And there’s no substitute for having your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist.

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