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Secondhand Smoke: The Health Risks
Read on to find out what is classed as secondhand smoke, the affects of secondhand smoke & more.

What is Secondhand Smoke?

Even people who do not smoke, but are regularly exposed to others’ smoking (called secondhand smoke or passive smoking), are prone to most of the negative health effects that smokers themselves experience.

Secondhand smoke is classified as a Class A known human carcinogen – a cancer-causing cocktail of harmful chemicals. In fact, secondhand smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, more than 60 of which are known or suspected to cause cancer.

What are the affects of Secondhand Smoke

People exposed to secondhand smoke are over 25 per cent more likely to die prematurely, to develop lung Cancer and heart disease, worsened asthma symptoms, chest problems, lung infections, dizziness, nausea and nose, throat and eye irritations. Several studies have also suggested that secondhand smoke increases breast cancer risk.

Tobacco Legislation

New legislation as part of the Health Act 2006 bans smoking in almost all public areas. The smokefree law, implemented in Scotland 26 March 2006, Wales on 2nd April 2007, Northern Ireland 30th April and England on 1st July, bans smoking in offices too.

Smoking Laws Explained

Council officers will be policing the implementation of the new smoke free office law by doing spot checks and issuing instant £30 fines to smokers for non-compliance.

What is the Legal Smoking Age

From 1st October 2007 it will be illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18 – the legal age is currently 16.

It is illegal to advertise or promote tobacco in any way, and all cigarette packets have to include a health warning.

Read More on Smoking:

Five Easy Steps to Quit Smoking

Smoking and Heart Disease

Smoking and Pregnancy

Smoking and Cancer

How Your Smoking Affects Your Children

Secondhand Smoke

The Benefits of Quitting

Smoking: The Statistics

Smoking: An Addiction As Strong As Heroin!

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