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Six Surprising Ways To Have Better Sex
Suffering from a flagging sex life? You’ll soon be swinging from the ceiling with these unexpected ways to have better sex.
In this article:
  • Top turn on: Equality between the sexes.
  • Fetch for the garlic!
  • Exercise sessions improve your love making abilities.

Do the dishes – but only if you’re a man

Believe it or not, gender equality leads to a better sex life – and that’s scientifically proven.

Researchers from the University of Chicago interviewed almost 30 000 people in 29 countries and made the surprising discovery that couples who live in areas that promote equality between men and women, or who make an effort to share roles and responsibilities, are far more likely to enjoy satisfying sex lives.

These couples also have a far greater chance of having continued better sex in the second half of their lives. It’s probably down to the fact that in relationships based on equality, couples have sex that satisfies both partners' needs. And, that happy loved-up feeling of sexual well-being spills over into your overall happiness in life too

Meanwhile, couples living in nations in East Asia and the Middle East, where men have a dominant status over women, have far less physical and emotional intimacy – in fact, only about a quarter report enjoying sex at all, and even fewer care.

Fall in love

It turns out a wild one night stand isn’t as good in the bedroom stakes as being part of a loved-up couple, after all. In fact, several studies have shown that, for both men and women, sex really is better if you’re in love, even though the two experiences involve different parts of the brain.

It could be because as you spend time together as a couple, you get to know each other’s needs and preferences, making you better lovers. There’s also none of the risk, embarrassment or fear of rejection that can be involved in casual sex – it’s an act of intimacy and shared experience rather than simply a short-lived physical one.

And, research even shows that most people find loved-up sex even more exciting than the mystery involved in a one-night stand.

Eat more garlic

Seriously! You may think the smell is far from romantic, but it will be worth it. Garlic contains allicin, which boosts the blood flow to your nether regions. Try sharing a romantic garlic-infused dinner before hitting the sack – or, if you really can’t take the odour, try garlic capsules.

If you’re looking for other libido-boosters, try strawberries, pumpkin seeds, chillies, asparagus, celery, bananas, avocado or figs. For more on foods to boost your mood, Click Here.

Watch some women-only porn!

If you’re a straight couple, that is. We all know that gay men overwhelmingly become aroused by images of men, while for heterosexual men it’s images of women that hit the spot.

But for women, things are a little more complicated; straight and lesbian women tend to become sexually aroused by both male and female erotica – a bisexual pattern of arousal.

"These findings likely represent a fundamental difference between men's and women's brains," says psychologist J. Michael Bailey. "Since most women seem capable of sexual arousal to both sexes, they probably choose one or the other for reasons other than sexual arousal."

The upshot? Watch women-only porn – it’s the genre most likely to get both parties in the mood!

Get your blood pressure checked

Not only can high blood pressure or hypertension lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure (Read more: Living With High Blood Pressure), but it can also cause sexual problems.

In fact, high blood pressure can impair your orgasm, decrease your sex drive and enjoyment, and prevent erections for men and sufficient vaginal lubrication for women – and that’s linked to hypertension itself, not the medication.

High blood pressure, which is a reading that is 140/90 millimetres of mercury or greater, affects about half of women between ages 55 and 64 years, increasing to more than 60 percent of women over 65.

If you have high blood pressure, ask your doctor about drugs that will control your condition without affecting you sex life.

Hit the gym

Think being tired and sweaty is an ambience-killer? Think again. Exercise improves your mood, increases your energy levels and keeps you fit enough for exhaustion-free marathon sessions.

Plus, there’s significant evidence that weight-loss could be a major boost to better sex. Research has shown that being overweight or obese impairs sex-life quality for both men and women. Overweight people are 25 times more likely to report sexual problems like lack of desire, lack of enjoyment, avoiding sex and performance worries, and more than half say they try to avoid sex altogether.

Meanwhile, studies have shown that overweight people who manage to shed their excess pounds have better sex, more often. They also gain an improved body image, guaranteed to rev up any flagging sex drive.

The quick-fix? Think positive! "Concentrate more on the sexual experience and less on what you think are the limitations and drawbacks of your body,” says psychiatrist Teresa King. She says that simply by focusing on the experience – rather than how you look while having it – you can have better sex tonight.

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From huma nadeem
i found this article very informative and usefull to all.

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