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Ayurvedic Health Tips to Boost Your Immune System
Reap the health benefits of a few simple Ayurvedic steps to boost your health and immune system as the months get colder.
In this article:
  • Ayurvedic health tips: foods to eat and avoid to boost your immune system during winter
  • Ayurvedic diet supplements and the benefits of the Indian gooseberry
  • Immunity boosting Ayurvedic spa treatments and natural home spa treatments

Autumn and winter were traditionally seasons of hibernation and restoration; but hectic modern lifestyles have quite the opposite effect on our wellness.

The natural healing of ancient Ayurvedic philosophy targets what it calls ‘Kapha’ accumulation - negative influences on vitality - and supports resilience in our immune system. By making a few simple Ayurvedic changes to your habits, you can reap all the health benefits.

Ayurvedic Immune System Health Tips: Ayurvedic Winter Food

During the autumn and winter months it is best to avoid eating late, as the body will naturally slow down its digestion.

“It is also advisable to stay clear of deep fried foods and cold food and beverages”, says Ayurvedic expert Dr Prasanna at Ayush Wellness Spa in Jersey.

He says that dairy, cheese, red meat, shell fish and mushrooms should be eaten in moderation – and that making these simple changes to your diet will aid your digestion and make you less lethargic.

Recommended food and drinks include soups made of mung beans, adzuki beans, pumpkin, carrot, ginger and chicken, as you will benefit from eating warm cooked food during the cold winter months, and it is more important than ever not to skip meals.

“Eat pure, fresh foods - stay away from canned or processed foods that contain additives and chemical preservatives, and cook with spices – they are not only great flavour enhancers; they can also help you stay healthy and beautiful”, says Dr Prasanna.

Use energising and digestive herbs and spices like ginger, mustard, cumin seeds, cardamom, black pepper, basil, turmeric and sesame seeds. Honey and agave are healthier sweeteners. Warm drinks, such as herbal teas, will keep you invigorated throughout the day.

Ayurvedic Immune System Health Tips: Ayurvedic Diet Supplements

Think about including supplements in your diet, such as the Ayurvedic Herbal jam, Chyavan Prash, that comes from the amalaki fruit (Indian gooseberry). It’s one of the richest natural sources of Vitamin C and antioxidants, and has immune-enhancing effects.

Dr Prasanna recommends having a couple of teaspoonfuls every day. Also, give your skin lipid support from within by including soaked and blanched almonds, soaked walnuts, a little bit of soft cheese and ghee (clarified butter) in your diet.

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Ayurvedic Immune System Health Tips: Ayurvedic Spa Treatments

Treat yourself to an indulgent spa treatment to ease your muscles and joints from tension caused by the cold weather.

The ideal cure is a body massage such as Padaghata, which means ‘pressure by foot’. The therapist massages your entire body using only the feet. Gentle pressure is applied to release tension and ease movement of the joints.

Another lovely treatment is Udvartana, a herbal powder massage which helps to kick start your metabolism, improves circulation and leaves you feeling truly invigorated. Likewise, a hot stone massage, brings heat in to the muscle tissue enhancing circulation.

Ayurvedic Immune System Health Tips: Ayurvedic Home Spa Treatments

Get through the winter with simple Ayurvedic home spa treatments.  Massage yourself using sesame or almond oil before taking a bath to keep your body warm and energised. Always use soap free cleansers, as soap has a drying effect on the skin, and use coconut butter as a natural moisturiser.

To find out more about Ayurvedic remedies, Click Here: Understanding Ayurvedic Medicine

But beware of buying Ayurvedic medications over the internet. At least 1 in 5 Ayurvedic medicines sold via the internet contain dangerous levels of lead, mercury or arsenic, recent research warned. To find out more, Click Here: Health Warning: Toxic Internet Ayurvedic Remedies


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