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Ward off Winter Colds the Natural Way
Colds often strike as a result of low immunity, stress, unhealthy eating or lack of exercise. Here’s how to beat symptoms the natural way.
In this article:
  • How Echinacea, zinc, vitamin C and more could reduce your chances of catching a cold
  • Natural remedies to ease cold symptoms - from marshmallow and Slippery Elm to Thyme, Propolis and honey

When it comes to colds and flu, there are no miracle cures – but there are simple, natural solutions to ease symptoms like sore throats, sneezing, coughs, headaches and fever and speed up your recovery, says natural health nutritionist Alex Shalet of The Nutri Centre.

• Echinacea, a natural herbal supplement that comes from purple cone shaped flowers, can half your risk of contracting a cold in the first place, according to scientists who recently published their results in Lancet Infectious Diseases. A few drops in water should do the trick.

• Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and we’ve known for years it’s important in recovering from colds and flu infections, when the vitamin C levels in your plasma and white blood cells decreases, allowing viruses and bacteria to flourish.

• Boosting your zinc levels also helps to shorten the duration of your cold, reduce symptoms and improve your immune system's ability to fight off infections.

• For decades herbalists have been recommending traditional remedies such as Marshmallow and Slippery Elm to help with coughs and sore throat symptoms. The emollient properties of these two herbs help in soothing and easing throat complaints. There is also some evidence that marshmallow may lower blood sugar levels so caution is advised when using other medications that may also lower blood sugar.

• Ivy and Thyme are other helpful herbs for cold symptoms, and ease coughing spasms.

• High potency Propolis is an increasingly popular supplement for warding off colds. Renowned for its fantastic antiseptic effect, with natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, it is described as nature's premiere preventive. Studies show that those who take Propolis regularly are often more able to escape winter colds and sore throats. It seems to help support the immune system in fighting common viruses.

• Honey has played a role since ancient times in traditional wound dressing and has been used by many cultures including the native Maoris of New Zealand. Manuka honey is now becoming a favourite for colds, as its antibacterial and emollient properties provide excellent relief for sore throats. Research has proven that it stimulates the immune system and inhibits bacterial growth. It can be eaten by the spoonful, used as a spread or added to hot soothing beverages.

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