  Health & Diet Tips

The latest swine flu research into how the country would cope with a pandemic reveals that the UK’s hospitals could struggle to cope.
Find out how a diet designed to lower blood pressue can help protect women from heart diseases
The majority of stroke patients don't think they're having a stroke – and delay seeking treatment until their condition worsens.
Reducing stress can significantly increase your chances of breast cancer survival, according to new research.
Corner shops in the North East will be the first to pilot an £800,000 scheme to get the UK eating more fruit and veg and reduce obesity.
Headphones for MP3 players can interfere with pacemakers and implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), according to new research.
Migraines reduce your risk of the most common types of breast cancer, new research reveals.
Children who receive the flu jab are less likely to catch the respiratory virus that hospitalises 20,000 children every year.
Eating grapes lowers your blood pressure, prevents heart muscle damage and wards off heart disease.
Higher dosage flu vaccines are more effective at boosting antibodies and preventing flu, new research proves.
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