  Health & Diet Tips

Beach Panic Prompts Men to Diet

Over half the male population started a diet or new fitness regime in 2008, new research reveals this Men's Health Week.

Men are becoming increasingly worried about their body image, with more and more British men dieting and starting fitness regimes to get in shape and get rid of their beer bellies.

Research released by PruHealth to mark Men's Health Week (9th – 15th June) suggests that one in ten men want to get in shape before holidays so they can ‘flex on the beach', while two out of every five men embarked on a new diet and fitness regime simply to get healthier.

More than half of British men started a health kick last year - and almost a quarter of UK men are still managing to keep up the healthy changes.

While traditionally women are thought to be more committed to dieting and grooming, a quarter of men (24 per cent) now admit to regularly using anti-wrinkle cream or moisturiser, and a fifth (20 per cent) said they went on a diet or started getting fit specifically for a special occasion or when starting a new job.

Men’s Health: Alcohol and Fitness

However, sticking to a regime isn't always easy - one in ten men admitted staying off the beers was hardest to do, despite the fact that this means their wallets are slimming down while their weight goes up.

The average man spends £1,144 each year on alcohol and post-drink snacks, with one in five regularly snacking on fried foods, such as kebabs and takeaways - more than double the amount of women.

Over a third of men said they find it hard to resist sweets and foods with a high-calorie intake - not surprising when just under half admit to regularly snacking on crisps at work or on the way there, and 43 per cent fall prey to chocolate bars too.

"It's encouraging to see a rise in the amount of men committing to getting fit and healthy,” said Shaun Matisonn, CEO of PruHealth. “Obesity is on the rise among adults and children, so it's becoming increasingly important to make the effort to stay in shape and Men's Health Week is a great way to highlight this. There may be temptations along the way, but there are easy ways to incorporate a little more exercise into your daily routine, such as getting off the tube or bus a stop earlier and walking, or cutting down on unhealthy snacks, which can also help save a bit of money."

Looking for some fitness inspiration? Read our expert gym and exercise tips from our resident fitness instructor Alex Bowman – you can even ask him your own fitness question! Click Here.

Men these days may on average live longer, but they’ll also spend a massive 15 years of their lives seriously ill. Find out what the top killers are for your age group and the ones ahead, and act now to ensure a long and healthy life! Click Here.

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Erectile Dysfunction News This Men’s Health Week

Meanwhile, this Men’s Health Week the focus is on stress and the workplace - an important cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) as prolonged stress is associated with low testosterone levels.

ED can be detrimental to a man’s self esteem, confidence and body image, plus Erectile Dysfunction has been found to have a large impact on relationships, with approximately 21% of relationships ending as a direct consequence of ED.

As many as half of men over 40 will experience Erectile Dysfunction at some stage in their lives and they need to be re-assured that they are not alone and that there are many treatment options available to help them.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

But whilst stress in the workplace or at home can be a common cause, it is important to note that ED is also a marker for more serious physical conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. With a considerable increase in diabetes and heart disease predicted, and an ageing population in the UK, the number of men with ED is likely to increase significantly.

Tips to reduce the strain of Erectile Dysfunctiom

• Seek help by visiting your GP for a consultation

• Oral treatments have revolutionised ED and provided far more user friendly treatment options.

• There are three oral treatments for ED – Levitra, Viagra and Cialis. They all work in a similar way but different treatments may suit different people

• New findings suggest that 1 in 3 men with ED do not have satisfactory sex with their first tablet – a third of these men give up too soon and do not return to their doctor. If your oral treatment fails, return to your GP, as a simple switch to a different tablet or an increase in dose could result in success

• All men with ED should ask to have their testosterone levels checked as low testosterone can cause ED and also prevent PDE5 inhibitors working properly

• For more information about ED and available treatments, men and their partners can visit

Erectile dysfunction affects over half of men over 40, and although it is easily treatable, it’s usually swept under the carpet, with only 10% of sufferers seeking treatment. To find out more about Erectile dysfunction, its causes and treatments, Click Here.


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