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Win a Pair of Ugg Boots As winter quickly approaches, at we know how us girls like to keep our feet warm, feel comfy, but more importantly keep looking fashionable, too, which is why we’ve brought you this great winter competition for your chance to win a pair of Ugg Boots.


Win a Pair of Ugg Boots and keep your feet comfy and warm for winter.
Indigestion symptoms revealed, plus find out how to prevent indigestion.
Well publicised as a common cause of vaginal irritation - Candidiasis- also known as a yeast infection, is not just problem for girls.
Find out more about male eating disorders and why men with eating disorders are not getting the treatment they need.
Find out what the top male killers are for your age group and the ones ahead, and act now to ensure a long and healthy life.


Large Thighs Best for Health: new research has revealed that large thighs protect against heart dise....
Men beware: the way you dance affects how masculine, dominant and attractive women will find you, ne....
Male fertility starts falling after 35, say scientists who have found that pregnancy rates decrease....
Over half the male population started a diet or new fitness regime in 2008, new research reveals th....
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