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Diabetes: Male Sex Problems
Sex & Diabetes: Find out why men with diabetes face many sexual difficulties with our guide to sex and diabetes.

Contains information on why diabetes leads to erectile dysfunction & therapies to treat erectile dysfunction. Read on as Eric Sabo investigates Sex and men with diabetes.

Diabetes and a Healthy Sex Life

Although stress and other factors can interfere with a healthy sex life, diabetes counters the physical reactions that lead to erections. Indeed, about half of all men who have diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction, and the problem can be more severe and less responsive to treatment than what men with impotence generally experience.

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Why Diabetes Leads to Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes is linked to many abnormalities, but two key disruptions are directly responsible for erectile dysfunction, says Ira D. Sharlip, MD, an assistant clinical professor of urology at the University of California, San Francisco. The first is neuropathy, which damages the nerves throughout the body, including those to the penis. Even if men are emotionally aroused, the nerve damage may interfere with the natural reflex that causes erections.

Diabetes: Why Can’t I Get An Erection

The second problem relates to blood vessels narrowing, a common occurrence with diabetes. In addition to causing other complications, such as heart disease, a lack of good circulation means that not enough blood can flow in and out of the penis. Added together, these effects of diabetes make it especially difficult for men to achieve or maintain an erection.

Prevent Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Diabetes

Fortunately, there are many steps that men with diabetes can take to prevent and potentially overcome erectile dysfunction. Sharlip says that the same advice for managing your diabetes applies to bolstering your sexual function. 'Control your weight, control your cholesterol, control your blood pressure, and don’t smoke.' he says. Such lifestyle changes can lead to better sugar control and improve complications of diabetes, including the development of erectile problems.

Living with Diabetes: Erectile Dysfuntion

But Sharlip cautions whether such steps can completely reverse erectile dysfunction on their own. 'It’s very tempting to think that the control of those risk factors would reverse erectile dysfunction.' he says. 'But there are no studies yet which prove that’s the case.'

One study has shown that heavy men who lost 40 or more pounds ended up with a slightly better sex life. Although the men were not diabetic, many men with diabetes are obese; suggesting that weight loss might help. Researchers from Italy followed 110 men with erectile dysfunction who were significantly overweight for their height. After two years, the men who exercised and lost weight reported a greater physical ability to have sex compared to men who remained heavy.

Diabetes Medications for Men Only

Along with lifestyle changes, several anti-impotence drugs can be used for erectile dysfunction. The three drugs on the market - Viagra, Cialis and Levitra - are equally effective, Sharlip says. However, they don’t seem to work quite as well in men with diabetes, who typically have more severe erectile problems. Still, he adds: 'over 50 percent of patients with diabetes respond.'

Can I Take Viagra If I’m Diabetic

Similar to the warnings for men in general, diabetes patients who are taking nitrate medicines for heart disease should not take Viagra-like drugs because the combination may raise the risk of heart attacks. Sharlip says that other than that, diabetes does not present any further risks.

Diabetes and Impotence

Just to be safe, some doctors recommend that men with diabetes who appear at risk for heart disease undergo an exercise stress test before trying such anti-impotence drugs. Men with diabetes are at a greater risk for heart problems in general, and the test can help detect abnormalities that could raise the risk of side effects from an otherwise safe treatment.

Testosterone, Impotence & Diabetes

New anti-impotence treatments are currently being developed. In the meantime, some men may take testosterone, a natural male hormone that can improve sex drive. But unless a man with diabetes has low testosterone, Sharlip says that there is a little chance it will help against erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction, Therapies & Diabetes

There are other effective therapies besides drugs, including injections, external pumps and surgical implants. Most men find these less appealing than a simple pill, but Sharlip says they can be a useful option when drugs fail to work.

Erectile Dysfunction, Therapies & Diabetes: Injection Therapy

For those unafraid of shots, there are special medications that men can inject into the base of the penis. The treatment, which is derived from penile tissue, dilates the blood vessels to produce an erection. Normal arousal begins within five to ten minutes after an injection, with erections lasting about half an hour. A small pellet of medication can also be inserted near the tip of the penis and it works in much the same way as injections. But 'that’s less likely to be effective.' says Sharlip.

Erectile Dysfunction, Therapies & Diabetes: The Pump

An external pump is a tube shaped device that is placed over the end of the penis. The device acts as a vacuum that forces blood flow into the penis, prompting an erection. Some men may find the pump uncomfortable, and few use it for very long.

Erectile Dysfunction, Therapies & Diabetes: An Implant

Sharlip says that surgical implants are the single most reliable and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, he adds: 'They are also the most invasive.' With an implant, men are outfitted with a soft, saline-filled device that expands and contracts by squeezing the scrotum, any time the patient wants. The device, which is invisible whether the penis is flaccid or erect, does not dampen the normal sensation of sex. By changing unhealthy habits and seeking out treatment options for erectile dysfunction, Sharlip says that the majority of men with diabetes can lead sexually active lives.

Read More on Diabetes

Diabetes - Who is at Risk? Find out the main risk factors.

The Symptoms of Diabetes: Find out what the symptoms of diabetes really are with our quick at-a-glance guide.

Understanding Diabetes: There are currently over 2 million diabetic people in the UK, and up to another 750,000 who have the condition and don’t know it yet. Find out more about this disease.

Tips to Prevent Diabetes: Some forms of diabetes cannot be prevented, however, follow these tips to help minimise the risk of developing the disease.

Sex & Diabetes: Men with diabetes face many difficulties, but few problems are more frustrating than erectile dysfunction, especially for younger men.

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