  Health & Diet Tips

The Symptoms of Diabetes
Find out what the symptoms of diabetes really are with our quick at-a-glance guide to the symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
In this article:
  • Could I have diabetes?
  • Type 1 diabetes symptoms
  • Type 2 diabetes symptoms
Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms may appear quickly, over a matter of days (usually in children or teenagers with Type 1 diabetes), or develop gradually over a period of time (usually in adults with Type 2 diabetes). In both types, symptoms disappear once medication has been started.

Type 1 Diabetes

• Sudden huge appetite
• Sudden problems with eye-sight (possibly blurred vision)
• Being very thirsty all the time
• Dry mouth
• Fruity, almost fermented-smelling breath
• Constant need to urinate
• Sudden loss of weight
• Tiredness, weakness and lack of energy
• Dazed feeling, fainting or unconsciousness

Type 2 Diabetes

• Sudden eye problems (possibly blurred vision
• Cuts and sores on the body take longer than usual to heal
• Constant need to urinate
• Pain in the legs
• Yeast infections (thrush)
• Itching skin

Experiencing Symptoms of Diabetes

If you or your child are experiencing some of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately – early diagnosis cuts your risk of developing serious complication.

Diabetes and Heart Disease

Most people with diabetes develop serious long-term health problems, especially cardiovascular disease. Diabetes is often accompanied by enlargement and dysfunction of the heart, making diabetes a major risk factor for both coronary heart disease and strokes – both significant causes of death. Studies have shown that older people with diabetes are twice as likely to die from heart disease, especially for patients treated with insulin injections.

Read More

Diabetes - Who is at Risk? Find out the main risk factors.

The Symptoms of Diabetes: Find out what the symptoms of diabetes really are with our quick at-a-glance guide.

Understanding Diabetes: There are currently over 2 million diabetic people in the UK, and up to another 750,000 who have the condition and don’t know it yet. Find out more about this disease.

Tips to Prevent Diabetes: Some forms of diabetes cannot be prevented, however, follow these tips to help minimise the risk of developing the disease.

Sex & Diabetes: Men with diabetes face many difficulties, but few problems are more frustrating than erectile dysfunction, especially for younger men.

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