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Party Shape-Up tips

For information on how to get in shape for that all important party read on for our top party shape up tips, espeically if that gorgeous figure-hugging frock hanging in your wardrobe is giving you panic attacks. If you not sure your pins are perfect enough to pull off that sequinned mini we’ll help you tone up, no matter what you’re wearing!

If you’re wearing a tummy-hugging number

First of all, decide whether you have excess body fat around the stomach area – if you do, no matter how toned your muscles may be, they’ll be hidden underneath your fat layers! If that’s the case, you need to first burn some calories with some cardio activities like running, swimming or aerobics classes.

Stomach Toning Exercises

If it’s just a question of toning, try a simple exercise like the plank. “This exercise works deep abdominal muscles that compress and flatten the tummy and help with good posture,” says Lifetime fitness instructor Mel Andrews.

What is the Plank

Lay on your tummy with your head resting on your hands and your back in its natural position (neutral spine). Imagine you have a drawing pin on the floor under your tummy and draw the belly button in so that your tummy lifts up off the floor and doesn’t touch the drawing pin. As you do this, ensure that you breathe normally and maintain the same position of your spine. Hold this for around 10 seconds and then release. As this gets easier you can lift up so that you rest on the elbows and knees. A further progression is to extend the legs and rest on the elbows and toes. When you progress, make sure the elbows are below the shoulders and that you are still breathing normally. Ensure you maintain the neutral spine position. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, a heart condition or are pregnant this type of exercise is not recommended though.

If you’re wearing a mini skirt

To get great muscle definition for super-toned legs, you need to do slow, low weights with lots of reps –do them too quickly or with heavy weights, and your muscles may become overdeveloped.

Get Great Party Legs

Obviously you can apply this theory to all major pieces of gym equipment such as leg press, leg extension and leg curl. Why not try the ultimate leg toning exercise: put a Fitball into your lower back and lean against a wall. You need to place your feet hip width apart and far enough from the wall that you knees will form a perfect right angle when you bend them. If they are under a right angle this may cause discomfort. Start by doing a few squats; never go past this right angle bend. Once you have the hang of them, start holding them at the right angle point, this will burn like crazy but give you amazing legs!

If you don’t have an exercise ball or a gym membership, lunges and squats are great too.

If you’re wearing skinny jeans

There’s nothing less glamorous than a muffin top hanging over your skinnies – and unfortunately, there are no specific targeted exercises to zap your love handles as they can’t be toned – they’re plain old fashioned excess body fat. But if you act now, there is something you can do about them. “You need to get on with some cardiovascular work and burn some calories,” says Mel. “And to help improve muscle tone in the problem area you can do some abdominal exercises for the waist.”

Get in Shape for the Weekend

To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent to 90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor, ensuring your lower back is in a comfortable position. Pull your abdominal muscles in before you begin the movement, and avoid pushing your lower back into the floor causing it to flatten. Begin by crossing your hands over the chest and then lift your shoulders and upper back from the floor in a diagonal motion so that you aim your shoulder towards the opposite knee. Breathe out as you lift and in as you lower down.

If you’re wearing a low cut boob-buster

You want your breasts to look fabulous – and you can achieve that with some very simple exercises, including press-ups.

Breast Exercises

Kneel on all fours with your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart and knees below your hips. Keep the spine in a nice long neutral position (don’t let your tummy drop or your bum lift in the air) and keep your tummy pulled tight. Lower your upper body towards the floor until your elbows are at approximately right angles and push back up keeping a little bend at the elbow. Make sure you are taking the weight of your upper body through your arms and not the lower back. As you lower down, breathe in. As you push up, breathe out.

Get in Shape for a Party

Try about 12 -15 of these (if you aren’t able to do that many do as many as you can up to that). Once you can reach the target of 15 and they feel easy, you can make it harder by taking your knees further behind you and resting on the area just above your knee caps or, if you’re feeling strong, go for the full press up by extending the legs further so that you are resting on your toes.

To make sure you work the body evenly make sure you do an exercise for the upper back as well. Something like a standing or seated row works well.

If you’re wearing a shoulder-bearing frock

You’ll need your arms in tip-top shape – and that means no bingo wings! “This is a very common area for many of us to be concerned about,” says Mel. “However, there are some really simple exercises you can do.”

Get Rid of Bingo Wings

Try tricep kickbacks. Kneel on the floor or a bench with one knee in front of the other. Use one arm to support on the front leg or the bench and hold a small handweight (or bottle filled with sand or water, tin of beans) in the other. Position the arm holding the weight so that the upper arm is level with the back and the elbow is tucked in to your waist. Maintain this position and extend the elbow until the arm is straight, but avoid locking the elbow joint. Return to the start position. Try around 15 of these. By the end aim to reach fatigue so you cannot do any more. Repeat on both arms

Tone your Arms

Tricep extension are also fantastic. Stand tall with the spine nice and long, the tummy tight and the knees soft. With a weight in one hand, take the arm up to the side of the head and hold it in position with the other arm. Allow your arm to bend, under control, so that you lower the weight down behind the head and in between the shoulder blades. Extend back up to the start position. The upper part of the arm next to your head should be vertical throughout. Again try around 15 repetitions to fatigue on both arms. Just make sure you also do some biceps exercised to keep your arms balanced.

Get Fit for the Weekend

Do you have any tips for getting in shape? What are your favourite exercises? Do you get worried about your shape before a party? Share your thoughts, views and experiences on getting in shape with other users using the Comment on this Article box below. Plus, to keep up to date with all the latest diet and fitness health news and lots more health tips on diet, healthy eating and more, sign-up for the monthly KeeptheDoctorAway Newsletter below.

Want to ask Mel a fitness question of your own? From football training tips to getting rid of your pregnancy belly, she’s here to help. To ask her a question, all you have to do is send us your question using the Comment on this Article box below.


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From n mairena
I had a baby girl 14 months ago and I just don't look or feel the same (that is my tummy). I will try some of your tips and hope that I can slim down my tummy!

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