Having a baby can change your life and body dramatically, but by taking small steps every day you can get your shape back. For more information on how to get back into shape after having a baby, read on. Includes post pregnancy tips and the most popular post pregnancy fitness questions.
Health and Fitness After Childbirth
New mothers need a no-fuss plan to take control, without beating themselves up about slip-ups along the way, say nutritional therapist Kate Cook and postnatal fitness instructor Lucy Wyndham-Read, writers of new book An Unfit Mother: How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after childbirth. They told us how to do it.
Why is it so difficult to get back in shape after pregnancy?
Kate: Because we get overwhelmed and knackered; we don’t feel sexy; we go into mummy mode; we need lots of treats and we put it off.
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Is it more difficult the longer you leave it after giving birth?
Kate: Well the longer you leave anything the bigger the mountain seems. You feel that you may never succeed – but in reality, if you start making really small changes rather that being intimated by a huge health programme, you are much more likely to stick to the small changes and get bigger results
What bad eating habits do new mothers fall into?
Kate: Snacking on treat food and takeaways because you don’t have time to prepare food, or letting your blood sugar crash, feeling knackered and reaching for the biscuit tin.
Are there any post-pregnancy superfoods?
Kate: Nuts and seeds are full of zinc, a great food to balance the blood sugar and to ward off the blues!
Can you really do it without going to the gym?
Lucy: Absolutely. There are so many ways of getting fit at home, and as a new mum time is limited so to get in the car and drive to the gym is mission impossible. The exercises I have designed can all be done at home, are easy to follow and tone up the areas woman want, alongside shifting the baby fat by doing some easy to follow Power Pram Walks.
What are some good exercises for zapping a post-pregnancy belly?
Lucy: One of the best exercises you can do to start knitting the abdominals back to their pre pregnancy state is to simply pull your belly button in tight towards your spine and hold for up to 10 seconds, then release. Do this several times a day. The benefit of this exercise is that not only does it tone your deepest abdominal muscle, but it will also help strengthen your lower back and improve your posture. So get pulling in!
What’s the emotional damage for new mothers?
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Kate: When something new happens in life, there is always an up side and a down side. A happy event like the birth of a baby is great and joyous, but the "cost" is sometimes a loss of your old self - the independent girl about town, the working, successful, go getter. You become a mum to someone else who is totally dependent on you. Of course, some people are ready to move on to the next stage like a duck to water, but others find it a lot more difficult. I think emotional damage is too strong a word – it’s more of an emotional challenge!
How long did it take you to get your body back?
Kate: The real secret is to eat better during pregnancy generally. All the super in shape mums I interviewed for the book were in good shape during pregnancy and didn’t fall into the trap of eating for two, like we Brits tend to do! That makes it much easier after the birth and beyond.
Does it get more difficult after more kids?
Kate: Only if you put off getting back into shape between kids – again, the secret is not to let go totally during pregnancy but to eat a good, healthy, wonderfully nourishing diet all the time. Of course, some people can suffer from a "Clinical Problem" like thyroid or hormonal issues, and this can make losing weight more difficult.
Have you recently given birth and trying to get back into shape? or is your partner, friend or sibling going trying to get back into shape after having a baby? Share your thoughts, views and experiences on post pregnancy fitness with other users using the Comment on this Article box below. Plus, to keep up to date with all the latest pregnancy health news and lots more health tips on diet, healthy eating and more, sign-up for the monthly KeeptheDoctorAway Newsletter below.
An Unfit Mother: How to get your Health, Shape and Sanity back after childbirth; Published by Collins in April 2008 at £9.99 paperback.