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Top Ten Tips For Joining a Gym

For more information on joining a gym read specialist advice from fitness expert Roy Spencer on the top ten tips for joining a gym- includes advice on what to look for when choosing a gym, information on gym contracts & much more.

Choosing the Right Gym

With countless confusing messages about membership options, monthly fees and long-term contracts, joining a gym in the New Year rush can be a minefield. Roy Spencer at FitSpace offers his advice on how to make the most of the gym - without breaking the bank.

Free Day Gym Trails

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 1. Try before you buy. Many gyms offer a free day trial which will give you a chance to decide whether the gym is the place for you. Test the equipment and speak to the members. If members are singing their praises, then you’ll know you’re in the right place.

Gym Membership: Contracts

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 2. Contract. Many gyms and health clubs tie you into 12 month contracts, meaning you have to agree to pay the monthly fee for the whole year. This can be a massive burden if you decide the gym isn’t for you or if you fall ill. Join a gym with a shorter contract or no contract at all, unless you’re sure it’s for you. FitSpace has no contract and members can cancel their membership at anytime without question.

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How Much Does Gym Membership Cost

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 3. Research Pricing. The cost of membership, both at private and public health clubs, varies enormously. Make sure you research prices and don’t be fooled by fluffy extras you don’t really need. Members often sign up to expensive memberships only to find they don’t use all the facilities.

Choose a Gym Close to Work

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 4. Location, Location. If you’re working nine to five, you may want to join a gym that is close to work rather than home. Joining a gym that is conveniently close means you are more likely to stick to a fitness routine.

Gym Membership: Do I Choose Peak or Off-Peak Gym Membership

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 5. Membership Options. Consumers are often confused by the type of memberships on offer. Most gyms offer peak and off-peak memberships at different prices. While off-peak may sound cheap, it’s no use if you’re restricted to times you can’t actually make.

What to Look for in a Gym

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 6. What do you want to achieve? Before joining a gym, think about what results you want – do you want to lose weight or tone up, or are you training for an event? The gym you join needs to offer everything you need to achieve your goals.

How to Choose a Gym

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 7. Facilities. When trialling the club, take a look at the range of equipment and also find out how busy the gym gets. Some gyms may only have limited equipment and at peak times, you could be waiting for up to half an hour. Also, check the changing rooms and toilets are clean and tidy.

Personal Trainer: Want to Lose Weight

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 8. Personal Training. For those that need extra support in achieving goals, find out if there is an option to use a personal trainer. Personal trainers are great at assessing your current fitness levels and designing a tailored programme. Don’t forget to check out their credentials though – personal trainers should be registered with the Register of Exercise Professionals. Visit to find out whether your trainer has the REPs stamp of approval.

Gym Membership

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 9. Price Fixing. Most gyms increase their gym membership prices each year so you don’t want to be cut short if you’d set yourself a budget. Ask the gym how often their prices are reviewed and whether the prices can be fixed.

Choose the Right Gym

Joining a Gym: Tip Number 10. Extras. You are more likely to stick to keeping fit if your gym offers you extras. Find out what classes are on offer and how often they run each week.

Have you recently found a great gym? Do you or a partner, sibling or friend have any tips on finding the right gym? Share your thoughts, views and experiences on finding and joining a gym with other users using the Comment on this Article box below. Plus, to keep up to date with all the latest diet and fitness health news and lots more health tips on diet, healthy eating and more, sign-up for the monthly KeeptheDoctorAway Newsletter below.



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