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UK Websites Sell Dangerous Teeth Whitening Gels

Several at-home whitening kits widely available on the Internet contain dangerous levels of toxic hydrogen peroxide, the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry has warned.

New EU recommendations suggest any dental products containing high levels of this bleaching substance can cause damage and burns to teeth and gums and be dangerous to consumers’ health.

The latest recommendations state that the chemicals used to whiten teeth should not exceed the 6% level for hydrogen peroxide (18% for carbamide peroxide) if used at home, even when prescribed by dentists.

But the BACD British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) warns that many websites are selling teeth whitening kits that contain chemical levels that greatly exceed what even a dentist would use. The EU has also recommended that, for the safety of the patient, a consult with a qualified dentist should take place to ensure the suitability of the procedure.

“These websites that sell ‘professional’ whitening kits with over 6% hydrogen peroxide are unsafe and if the government follows the EU guidance, it will soon be completely illegal,” said dentist James Goolnik, Vice-President of the BACD. “They are sold as ‘safe’ but can easily harm someone, especially if a dentist has not advised the patient on whether their teeth are even suitable for whitening. The public must understand that these gels, with such a high amount of chemicals, could burn people’s gums or damage teeth permanently.”

Although teeth whitening is a routine and safe procedure when administered by a dentist, patients need to be aware that only a dentist can determine whether their teeth and mouth are suitable for any kind of whitening procedure. Smoking, gingivitis or recent dental work often make teeth unsuitable for bleaching.

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“In order to get the most out of a whitening procedure, correct diagnosis of the cause of the discolouration from a dentist is imperative in order to correct it appropriately,” said Goolnik. “If members of the public are considering whitening their teeth, then a comprehensive dental examination will not only ensure their safety, but will provide them with customised care to give them the bright, white smile they desire.”

Read More on Teeth Whitening

Five Secrets For White Teeth: Yellow, stained teeth getting you down in the mouth? Try our top tips for a whiter, brighter smile – no expensive procedures necessary.

Illegal Whitening Treatments Permanently Damage Teeth: A new case study finds beauty salons and non-dentists are increasingly using cheap and illegal whitening treatments containing chlorine dioxide to whiten teeth.


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