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Do You Remember the First Time?

From absolute bliss to something went amiss, share your story of how you lost your virginity and you could win £50.

Whether a one night stands or well planned; either in the dark or the local park, most of us have a story to tell about how we lost our virginity. Whether funny or sad, post your story below for others to read and you could win a £50 cash prize.

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User Comments:
From Barry B
What a fun idea for a competition!It was 1967 and I was 17. I looked quite old for my age so when I got chatting to some girls who were older than me I pretended I was 21. I ended up going back to their flat and one thing led to another. She was far more experienced than me, which helped. It was over quickly, but I was obviously chuffed. I never her saw her again though. 1967 certainly was the summer of love for me!

From Julie H
At the school disco on the playing field when i was fourteen,with a boy called fergus, when i got home my clothes were all muddy and my mum screamed at me 'if that Fergus has touched you ill kill him!'

From Paul
1999: I did not lose my virginity until I was 23 - I was a shy teenager! I eventually plucked up the courage to ask a girl out on a date who I worked with and after a few months of courtship I eventually got the deed done. I'd like to boast here that I was outstanding, but, alas, I wasn't and spent the next few months learning everything about sex the majority of my peers had learnt four or five years before. I am no longer with the same girl, but we are still friends and I thank the lord she was so understanding!

From Lucy James
As I was a good girl I waited until I was 18 to 'lose it.' My boyfriend of the time, who was also a virgin, and I got everything planned - parents out for the night, condoms etc. There was a lot of expectation on both sides and were so nervous it was unbelievable! Although it wasn't great - lasting about 30 seconds!! - and a bit painful I'm happy I lost my virginity to a steady boyfriend. After the first attempt it did get increasingly better too! All this happened around January 2001

From Roger More!
I lost my virginity when I was 15 years old to a girl who was 2 years older than me and had a bit of a reputation about town! Needless to say I was amazing that night way back in 1989 - not! I like reading these stories though, good to see I'm not alone!!!

From Margaret
When I was growing up I believed that you should only have sex after marriage, so I waited until my wedding night when I was 20 years old (way back in 1973!). I was very scared about doing it throughout our wedding reception, but was relieved when it was over. I got the usual case of 'honeymoon cystitis' after our honeymoon too. But we are still married and still have a good sex life - even after all these years and four kids!

From james
My first time was in the woods at Easter when I was 27. My girlfriend at the time was 26, and it was her first time too. It was going very well, and I was glad I'd waited so long..but then, a group of ladies from the local church, who were looking for spots to hide the painted Easter eggs, happened upon our secluded spot! Fortunately we all laughed about it, but it was fairly embarrassing and stopped us thinking about outdoor sex for a long time!

From SH
I was 15 years old and very much in love with the guy. It happened in my bedroom when my folks were out. We would have probably waited longer, we were so scared, but his mum - sensing that we were serious about each other - gave him some condoms and encouraged him to be responsible...which in turn made us try 'the deed' a lot sooner!!

From Em
I was 17 (but 2 days away from my 18th) and it was in a caravan on the west coast of NZ. My boyfriend and I had spent the previous 3 nights in a cave as there was no availiable accommodation anywhere - so when we finally got to the relative comfort of the caravan we were so happy the earth literally moved!

From tracy baker
I lost my cherry to a lad in the local bandstand. He was pushing and pushing but couldnt get it in. What a disaster. I finished with him the next day!

From Will
I slipped ...

From claire woods
The person I lost my virginity to is still my partner today, 11 years later. Now we have a lovely son Samuel, who is 2.

From Gareth watkins
I was a naive 18 year old Airman, on my first posting at St Mawgan. After my first night out, in Newquay, I ended up back at a girl's bedsit. I had a very brief but enjoyable encounter. She was more experienced and probably a bit dissappointed, although I did see her a few times again!

From kay wilkinson
I lost my virginity at 16 to my long term boyfriend. It happened at home and we did everything properly, ie contraception, making sure my parents weren't going to be home for hours etc. Problem was, we flushed the condom down the toilet and I lived on a farm with a bit of a dodgy water system. I found out years later that my dad had to deal with a pipe blockage, and lo and behold, it turned out to be a condom! They didn't tell me until I was about 25. I felt really daft because I thought my parents believed I was all sweet and innocent, but they knew exactly what I was up to!

From kevin
I was 16 and on holiday in France. On my first night on a campsite I got together with a girl whose name still escapes me. Needless to say alcohol played a large part. One thing led to another and we went to the playground as I was too embarrassed to do the deed in her tent with the parents next door. My dad nearly stumbled across us, but fortunately we just had time to adjust ourselves. It was all very romantic.

From Amanda
I lost my virginity on my wedding night when I was 33 - and was very glad we had waited (I weakened a couple of months before the wedding but my boyfriend said we had waited so long we shouldn't spoil it then). It was very special and even with hindsight I would not change anything.

From stickymars
My first time was a disaster. I didn't know the man very well and did not enjoy it. I stupidly thought that since all my friends were 'experienced' I should be too. I was only 16 at the time - youth is wasted on the young!

From Jenny from DaBlock
It was 1985 and I was about 14 years old - too young I know - and it was at a friends party. We were all kids there basically, and we were very drunk - on her gran's sherry! I can't say I remember much about the 'event.' But there were no 'bad' consequences so I don't regret it. Its what kids do!! Though I've warned my kids to be careful - not sure if they listen though!!!

From Jane Whitelaw
I lost my virginity when I was 17 in 1993. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life! We were at my parent’s house and my then boyfriend – who was a lot more experienced than me – was on top. I wasn’t particularly enjoying it, but it wasn’t unpleasant – I suppose I was too nervous to really enjoy it. Anyway, the next thing I know my Dad comes through the door without knocking and catches us at it. We, including my Dad, were so embarrassed that even to this day we have never ever brought the conversation up. It took me a long, long time before I even thought about having sex in my parent’s house again!

From April
I first had sex when I was 18 years old to my ex-boyfriend - he was 32! Unlike my friends, who lost it with boys their own age (who like them didn't know what they were doing), I really enjoyed my first time and have pretty much always enjoyed sex ever since!

From lanicolette
hmmm...2000. I was 16 and wanted to keep my virginity for the guy I married. I used to sneak out clubbing with my friends every Saturday. We looked older than we were, so we always got away with getting inside and getting drunk. Every time I used to notice the same guy... Very handsome, definetely older than me, dark hair, big blue eyes, exactly my type. I was always very shy, but I knew that he fancied me as well. He kept staring for hours...and smiling. Eventually we started dancing together, then kissing on the dance floor. I was over the moon and couldn't believe that I was in his arms, looking at his face so close up. He just smiled at me and took me outside. I didn't realise at the time what was about to happen, but I didn't mind because it was him. We did it in a car outside the club...ooopssss!!! Not very romantic. It wasn't the last time though :)

From Marissa Wright
I had very irregular periods when I was 15 and my mum took me to the doctor. He wanted to give me a smear, but obviously didn't need to do this if I was a virgin. I wanted my mum to think I was cool, not a gangly, spotty 15 year old who no one fancied, so when he asked me I said I wasn't a virgin. My poor mother was horrified - and so was I when he proceeded to give me a smear and popped my cherry! I bled all over the examining table!

From Esther
It was 1988. I was 17 and having held out for a good couple of months, in the heat of the moment ended up doing it on the sitting room floor of my friend's parents house, where we were staying the night. Remember some dodgy swirly carpet and grim ornaments, but it was quite enjoyable and I was glad I waited. Had to go up the doctor's the next day to get the morning after pill though!

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