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Marriage 'Protects Against Stress'

A stable marriage or partnership helps to reduce the impact of workplace stress, according to new research.

Presented yesterday (March 22nd) to the British Psychological Society's Annual Conference, results of a new study indicate that people in solid relationships suffer less anxiety, depression and fatigue than their single, widowed or divorced co-workers.

Working in conjunction with Bob Hockey from the University of Sheffield, Dr Roxane Gervais from the Health and Safety Laboratory has found that workers who have a stable relationship appear to be able to absorb some of the less palatable aspects of a working life. Single workers are less able to digest complications in the workplace, which manifests itself in stress and anxiety.

More than 400 NHS nursing staff were examined as part of the study and they were asked to complete a series of questionnaires. The researchers examined job strain, social support, emotional demands, physical demands, marital status and whether or not the subjects had children. The presence of children did not seem to affect stress, but marital status did.

The scientists have concluded that nurses, in particular, face numerous emotionally demanding situations every day. A stable relationship, it is argued, provides a shoulder to cry on and a form of emotional support.

"In this respect work/life balance interventions may need to focus more on older single individuals and less on those with children," they add.

A recent report from Israel found that middle-aged workers affected by burn-out at work are nearly twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Another report from Canada indicated that people with office jobs are particularly susceptible to stress, adding that excessive workloads can increase blood pressure and lead to a variety of other medical conditions.

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