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Ways to Fight Cellulite

Find out more on ways to fight cellulite with our top diet and fitness tips which will help you eliminate cellulite includes information on what causes cellulite, how to get rid of cellulite and whether cellulite creams really work.

Diet & Fitness Tips: How Do I Get Rid of Cellulite

Michelle Ludick offers her top tips to combat cellulite. Cellulite is one of those things that affect both the slender and larger woman. It can settle on the hips, stomach, upper arms, ankles and then we have the more common areas which are the upper thighs and bottom.

Lose Cellulite Tips: Women and Cellulite

We can safely say that it is the enemy of all women and most women at one time or another are plagued with it. So let’s see what the contributing factors are before we look at some possible solutions in combating cellulite.

Diet & Fitness Tips: Beat Cellulite

First, determine whether or not it is genetic. Just as in the case as being over weight may be genetic so it may be in the case of women who suffer with cellulite, even if they are thin. Some women are just more prone to cellulite. Then of course fat storage, how and where it lies, is also predetermined by your genetics.

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Ways to Fight Cellulite: What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is also labelled orange peel skin and/or cottage cheese skin. If you squeeze the fat and it is smooth you know it is not cellulite but if you have those bumps and lumps then you know you have cellulite. This is because some of the vessels have leaked fluid into the tissues and have caused congestion. Toxins can’t be eliminated from these areas and oxygen battles to go in.

Diet & Fitness Tips: Cellulite, Toxins & Constipation

Toxicity is a major contributing factor to cellulite build up. Constipation is one of those things that are primarily responsible for toxins building up. When you suffer from toxic build up those toxins need to go somewhere and thus we end up with cellulite.

Get Ride of Your Orange Peel

Those toxins that are not able to pass through the colon get re-released into the body and get trapped between the connective tissues.

Lose Cellulite Tips: Drink More Water

Not drinking enough water is also a problem as water is what helps flush out the waste products that we no longer need. Alcohol, tea and coffee, smoking, little or no exercise and fatty foods all aid in cellulite formation.

Ways to Fight Cellulite: Cellulite, Exercise and Food

So to fight cellulite you need to loosen the toxic wastes from the tissues and eliminate the toxins out of your body once and for all. So how do you do that? Simply control those factors that caused the cellulite in the first place. Change your diet, exercise more, increase your water intake and get rid of that constipation problem.

Lose Your Cellulite  

Eat a well balanced diet and if you suffer from constipation eat foods high in fibre. Drink lots of water. Water helps carry those toxins out of your body and the more water you drink the less likely your stool will be dry, hard and immovable. Avoid processed and refined foods as the body has a harder time digesting and breaking down these foods.

How Do I Get Rid of My Cellulite?

Don’t drink tea, coffee or colas that contain caffeine. Caffeine just seems to make cellulite worse and the thought is that it does this by impairing the lymphatic flow and blood circulation. The vessels constrict and so when this occurs the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues become inhibited. When this happens there is an increase in the build up of waste products.

Causes of Cellulite: Can Alcohol Cause Cellulite?

Alcohol poisons your system slowly so if you want to be rid of that cellulite then stay away from alcohol too. Alcohol just adds to toxins, dehydrates your body, slows down your circulation and hampers the removal of toxins.

Diet & Fitness Tips: Cellulite & Stop Smoking

Then we have smoking and we all know that smoking is bad for one’s health but it is also bad for your skin. Smoking weakens and ultimately damages the connective tissues and thus you end up with the dimpling affect. Because of this smoking has been labelled the cause of cellulite by some. It is agreed by all that it is a definite contributing factor. It just adds to the toxicity in your body that your system battles to get rid of.

Top Diet & Fitness Tips: Exercise is the Best Way to Lose Cellulite

Exercise is great in eliminating cellulite because it helps to boost circulation helping your skin to regain its natural smooth appearance. Exercise won’t take it away over night; you will have to dedicate yourself to an exercise and prepare yourself for some work.

Reducing Cellulite: Do Creams and Other Beauty Products Get Rid of Cellulite?

There are great topical products out there that do help but they should always be used in conjunction with a change in lifestyle. There is no point in using a product that helps get rid of your cellulite while you carry on perpetuating the problem by not going to the root of why you have cellulite in the first place. You will see little and perhaps temporary improvement and will be left feeling frustrated and drained.

Are you trying to get rid of your cellulite? or do you have any top diet and fitness tips to help others lose their cellulite? Share your thoughts, views and experiences on cellulite with other users using the Comment on this Article box below. Plus, to keep up to date with all the latest diet and fitness health news and lots more health tips on diet, healthy eating and more, sign-up for the monthly KeeptheDoctorAway Newsletter below.

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